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About Us

In 2001, God and Bishop K.B Ransford began a notably unique relationship and journey. God since the beginning has desired to use the church for reconciliation and restoration in this community. God has been clearing away for renewed fellowship with Bishop K.B Ransford through a commission called Salvation Prayer Mission World Wide.

SPMWW came into being as God birthed it in the spirit of Bishop K.B Ransford, as a church that will be obedient to His Lordship. A house that will worship Him in truth & in spirit and where love will dwell.

God promised that people will come to this ministry to experience His presence and be healed and delivered. More souls are coming to SPMWW through intercessory prayer and evangelistic presence everywhere in the ministry.

As SPMWW continues to move to its destiny and venture to expand the vision, the church is growing exponentially. In every service, hundreds of people are touched by God through SPMWW. We acknowledge our responsibility to make a God-given, Holy Spirit-inspired vision come to pass. To God be all the Glory!

Our Vision

As men and women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we envision ourselves growing in faith, affirming our gifts, supporting one another in our callings, engage in ministry, and promoting healing and wholeness in the Body of Christ and the world in general.

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Our Statement Of Faith

Salvation Prayer Mission Worldwide believes that Jesus Christ is coming again very soon. God’s call upon the ministry is based on the scripture ‘Behold, thy salvation cometh’ (Isaiah 62:11) and a call to action by the jargon – “Don’t expire rather explode in the things of God”. The people of God must arise in prayer, get out of their little comfort zones move out to bring in the harvest, and deal ruthlessly with the satanic influences that still burden God's people.


Our Primary Mission

To witness the Lord Jesus Christ as God Incarnate and to lead others to personal faith in Christ our Lord and Saviour.


 Identifying God's gifts and callings within the Body of Christ. 


 To help Christians grow towards maturity as Disciples of Christ, by a study of the Bible, prayer, and Christian fellowship. 


 Carrying God's Power with miraculous healings and deliverances, backed by prophetic declarations. 


 Establishing and organizing worldwide leadership seminars, fire conferences, apostolic and prophetic revivals, and prayer networks like One Day Prayer Answered to spiritually edify the Body of Christ. 


 Establishing satellite prayer centres that encompass, conference rooms, clinics, schools, and orphanage homes. 


 Activating the Apostolic grace of the planting of churches.

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